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Hot and heavy for a long weekend, then she had a family member pass away and since then it has been very very cold. What to do? I am very very into her.
UgoStrange replied 1 years ago

Be there for her. It's times like this when she needs someone in her life she can go to and feel safe with. Things will eventually get back to the way they were. My girlfriend's father passed away '09 and she took it hard but I was there for her and eventually things got back to normal. So just let her cry and do what she needs to and be there for her.

awitty1 replied 1 years ago

Thanks. That's pretty much what I've been doing but when you are really into someone like I am her it is difficult to watch her saddness. I don't want to be too "needy" or too available. It goes against my nature but I've been burned in the past for putting my feeling "out there" This time I think I need to be smart and sit back and let thisngs flow !

UgoStrange replied 1 years ago

Sometimes ya just gotta risk getting burned.

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