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Jitterbug • Michigan

What do you guys do for a living?
stopdroplol replied 2 years ago

Not to shit on your plan Athena but from what i've heard culinary school is worthless, the best path to becoming a great chef is starting off at the lowest position. I also hear there's no such thing as a great American chef and i know for a fact French Cuisine is where the money is. As for me, I work at an internet cafe and going to college for a degree in Aviation Science

stopdroplol replied 2 years ago

Funny thing. 2 years ago I was thinking about doing exactly what you're doing. Decided against it due to the competitiveness factor.

spetsnaz replied 2 years ago

im currently a student but i plan on joining the F.B.I.

annon replied 2 years ago

I have absolutely no idea what I should do with my life. I love a bit of everything, IT, writing, acting, sports ... God, how I envy the
people that are born knowing what they're going to be when they
grow up.

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