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ok so me and my boyfriend have been dating for awhile and we are madly in love. the only problem is he has a problem with flirting with other girls and even though he has gotten a lot better , where does he need to draw the line at ? because it makes me uncomfortable and it affects my trust . am i overrreacting ?
sophie replied 2 years ago

I think where to draw the line varies from person to person depending on your comfort zone as well as having your bf habits in consideration...because it's not the best idea to make him stop cold turkey. Maybe you should just limiting his flirting like starting off with no exchanging of numbers to no touching....and just work your way from there

annon replied 2 years ago

No, you're not overreacting. He's in a commited relationship, you both love eachother (or so you say) and he needs to realise that
now there should be only one woman in his life and that is you.
What I would do in your case is, the moment I saw him flirt with
other girls, I'd go flirt with other guys too and let him notice it so he
can see what it's like. Nothing wrong with that, if..

annon replied 2 years ago

..his way of being in a "commited" relationship is flirting with other chicks, then so should you with other guys. But in case you're not
ok with my idea, go have a talk with him and suggest, like sophie
said, that he should limit his flirting to no numbers, then no
touching and so on. Because that hurts you and since he IS your
boyfriend, your feelings should be a priority.

peachesandcream replied 2 years ago

yes . our biggest problem was social networking sites. i caught him talking to other girls and i left him but he seemed to accept what he did wrong and try to change . people told me i was overrreacting to break up with him over that because they were mostly girls he didnt know , but at the same time i know i need to trust him it is just really hard to know if he really has changed for the better

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