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I met this chick online and been having as much of a relationship as 1 can have when it's a LDR. This has been going on for 6 months. We finally met there, was no surprise. I was happy! After dinner & back@ her place, we started to make out. Everything was great until I starting hitting it doggie style. The smell was horrific! I struggled not to blow chunks. Am I shallow 4 ending it after I left?
sophie replied 2 years ago

never underestimate the power of hygene...I don't think yiour shallow

juicy_j replied 2 years ago

LOL! well you hit it and quit it as they say.. You're now a cold blooded player! DAMN!

Anonymous replied 2 years ago

I wasn't trying to be a playa. I was catchin feelings ya know. I just got a weak stomache when it comes to smells. Stanky P ranks pretty high on the list as far as no no's.

daviddmw replied 2 years ago

your not shallow..but before thinking of breaking it off you should have talked to her about it sure it could have been hygene but if the smell is has bad has you say it is she might of had some sort of infection she should talk to a doctor about. there is a lot of different infections she might of had i would have talked to her about it but that's just me

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