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I have a friend I established a vaguely physical relationship with (nothing sexual, just cuddling and whatnot) I'm very introverted and its difficult for me to open to someone like that. Since this started, he's begun doing the same with almost every girl he knows, and he seems interested in a girl he goes to school with. Its f****** me up and I can barely be around him anymore.
nawshus replied 2 years ago

he is exploring who he is...doesn't know yet - or you've given him an answer or scenario that he wants you to change. whatever the case may be, he's holding u hostage,

stopdroplol replied 2 years ago

Kinda sound like you enabled him to do it. Solution is pretty simple, talk with him.

juicy_j replied 2 years ago

Cuddling and heavy petting is cool. But your probably giving him blue balls. He would probably like the relationship to escalate sexually, and this other girl probably shows more promise in doing so. in dating you have competitors! He owes you nothing.

stopdroplol replied 2 years ago

jiucy, id really like to know how old you are

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