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I had no success with "regular dating", so I am trying a new mass market strategy: I am taking 10 phone numbers per day and trying to get into every single girls' pants. Law of large numbers should work in my favor.
Nicktendo replied 4 years ago

Sounds like one of the most lonely feelings ever. And your quick hopping is also bound to make word of you... and not in a desirable way.

joelle replied 4 years ago

law of large numbers lol ! If something else was large, you probably wouldn't have such problems.

substance replied 4 years ago

if your articulate and charismatic enough to get 10 numbers a day, surely your able to actually form a relationship /dates? what happens with regular dating? do u always insult her or something?

juicy_j replied 4 years ago

That might work! But know that girls generally give a phone number anyone... doesn't mean they will pick up when u call or agre to go out with you...as most ppl screen their calls. Talk to ppl to build connections and relationships not collect digits!

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