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Daxter • Ontario, Canada, 20

Resident Gay of Relatious.

So, a while ago I mentioned my distain for the term "rosebud". Here's another I hate. "Man Pussy". If I wanted pussy, I'd go get some, but I love ass, and that's what it is.
sophie replied 6 years ago

haha that's my first time hearing that

Daxter replied 6 years ago

Personally, I dont knwo anybody, but I see it in porn, and I've heard people say iit in convos before, and it turns me off every

Daxter replied 6 years ago

Man Cunt, Munt(yeas, I have heard "munt"), basically anything that equates it to being the male version of a female part. That's not
hot. I like men for a reason.

ScorpionsBeneathMySkin replied 6 years ago

Hahahaha! XD Munt?

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