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So last weekend the father of my child came over my house to hang out. We were chillin like a family when all of a sudden "nature called" and I had to pee. I walked toward the restroom and once I made it to the door, he asked me was I going to pee. I answered, then I heard foot steps running toward my direction.
AriesFire replied 1 months ago

He got in front of me, dropped to his knees and asked me to piss on him!! I thought he was joking until he got on the floor and pulled his pants down! I was like, you want me to just pee on you? and he was like yes!!! I was so freaked out!!

Have you ever had someone ask you to pee on them or have you been pee'd on? Why r guys so weird?!?!?!?!

UgoStrange replied 1 months ago

I'm not certain what's more disturbing,the fact that he wanted you to pee on him right then and there, or the fact that he's the father of your child and wanted you to pee on him.Makes me wonder if he's had this fetish for awhile or if it just recently developed. I for one would not enjoy being peed on, but to each their own I suppose. Perhaps you should ask him where that's coming from.

sophie replied 1 months ago

I wonder why he all of a sudden felt comfortable revealing this fetish to you now......ugh grosss nevertheless!

Athena replied 1 months ago

I think the better question is why do you think you attract such freaky guys?

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