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Guess what I just got in the mail? A gift! Guess from who? YES!! JJ Guy sent me a gift!! Should I keep it or give it back? I already opened it because I didn't know it was from him. It didn't have his name on the package, it was attached to the boots. (Via Spiga Parley!!)

I'm going to give it back!! But OMG these are like $400 boots!!
magneticembrace replied 3 months ago

keep it. don't take him back. if you don't like the boots, try to cash in on them.

annon replied 3 months ago

Send it back with a note that writes "No means no". He's clearly trying to BUY his way into your friendship, which I for one find
pathetic. He's either a weirdo or your sex is just that good.

magneticembrace replied 3 months ago

@annon its probably the latter. they sound freakyyyyy together.

sophie replied 3 months ago

I say keep it and then send and e-mail saying "still not interested, but feel free to keep trying!!"

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