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Anonymous asked 1 months ago
There is that girl that I really like. Unfortunately, her breath is awful. Awful. I just can't kiss her. I tried the "want some gum" thing a few times, but her breath is so bad that even gum is not enough. What should I do ?
dongle replied 1 months ago

Get her told. If it's an issue for you, then you need to confront it. Try breaking it to her gently, though. Try to make it constructive; sandwich the breath thing between two compliments. And don't hold your nose as you tell her; that'll just piss her off....

onlydemi replied 1 months ago

give her some parsley to see if that helps. does she eat much (eating too little can cause bad breath) or on the atkins diet by any chance?

tracilla3 replied 1 months ago

try a tongue scrapper

ratcheer replied 1 months ago

It takes courage to tell her yourself! If you can't do it in a wimpy way ("Honey, sometimes your breath is a little strong, I'm hypersensitive to it, so it's tough to be too close"), then try it sneakily: send her an anonymous email/card and tell her without pointing at yourself. Then if she talks to you about it say "What a j***! But I HAVE noticed it's a little strong at times..."

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